Holy crap, so busy. I think I'm just going to post about whats going on right now, and when I have a little more time, or just decide no to sleep on night, to post the catch up. I haven't been taking as many pictures as I should be, but that can be fixed with the wonders of facebook. Look on the bright side, now there will most likely be more pictures of me. Like this one.

This was my Halloween costume, I was a Surprise. But Abby totally kicked my butt with Moon Princess power.

We got Morpheus and Jesus

Jigsaw eating a McPork


Some lovely maids to clean up after us

And for a short update, All is going well, so well in fact that I have made the decision to come back to Japan next semester. I'm still coming back for Christmas though, no worries. Abby and I have both decided to stay actually. Everyone is having their second round of tests now, I had mine on Tuesday morning, and I think I did okay on it. Tuesday night we went out to celebrate my birthday. I'll put up pictures just as soon as some one else puts some up on Facebook. We went out to Sushiro, the nice sushi place conjoined with an arcade, twas awesome. And then we went to a kareoke called Joy Joy, which was also wonderful. Bunch of Americans screaming Journey's Don't Stop Believing at the top of their lungs. Best Ever.
All is well,
Love Gretchen
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