I'm working on a Thanksgiving post, but I want to wait to put it up until after our party tonight with just us ryuu gakusei in our lounge so in the mean time, enjoy some nice if not slightly random pictures!

Abby and Masa being tenshi, angels, while we all prepared decorations for the Wa Club halloween party. He may not look enthused, but it was his idea.

A bunch of us at NagoyaJo when the Birthday festival was going on and it was free to get in. Front front to back we are, Lacy, Jessica, Erin, Me, Trisha, and Brittany.

Abby's birthday present to me. Dragon Ball Z headphones, their sounds quality is actually quite nice. If you're unfamiliar Dragon Ball Z is an anime/manga targeted at teenage and young boys so its all about fighting and saving the earth...it was pretty much my first anime. The actualy plot is absurd if it can be squeezed inbetween all the fighting. But the kanji on the ear pieces means tortoise, which in the series is the symbol for the fighting school of the turtle hermit, Master Roshi, the main character's first martial arts master.
and yes this is the same series my teacher Saito-sensei uses examples for in class, see on of my first entries. He very nearly had a fangasm when he saw me with them before class on day. Lol

THIS is a female urinal. Yes, specifically a female urinal in the women's bathroom. I'm not sure how it works, but as you can see its not enclosed in anyway so one day I may find out on accident.

This was actually yesterday. In Karate after out Kata quiz, which I did well on (Sensei complemented me on my form after I was done), there was a impromtu Sumo match between Tim (whose form Coe), and Big Japanese guy. Tim actually won! I think Coe just started a Sumo Wrestling team. :)

Jessica practicing her ward-off-creepers-face. I think it'll work quite nicely.

GomiNeko and a friend caught in the act!!!

Guys are so manly here they can wear bunnies on their butt's and still be taken seriously.

Did I mention that the Power Rangers came to our Halloween party?
I about crapped my pants when I turned around and saw this sign looming over me! Abby and I went outside to cool off because it was really hot in the arcade, and then turn around and the first thing I see is this!!! Of course now you realize if anyone comes and visits me, you WILL be staying in The Hotel California.
You all remember that I'm a master chief right?
And to top if all off, a few of the things I've been working on since coming here.

Some Tablet Practice, Abby at her Desk

Movement study

Commonly among the anime community there are cat girls and boys...but really it's just a lot of Japanophiles sticking cat ears ant tails on people and then saying that they created and original character, and then fantasize about it without taking into account that there are other qualities in cats other than their large eye, ears and tails. For instance their insane skeleton, and how they sleep in the strangest positions. I know I'll think twice, Lol.

D&D Character.

I just love her grin and the sunglasses.
More to come with Thanksgiving!
All is well.
Love Gretchen