Sunday afternoon Jessica, Song, Han, Abby and I walked down to the DonQuixote. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. Store in Japan…called Don Quixote…can they even say that? This is another multi floored shop with probably everything I will ever need at a insanely cheap price, even a few American products, still no sign of shaving cream though. But I did find body was and laundry detergent that won’t kill my skin. But one of the main things about Don Quixote, today at least, was that they had cheap bikes…well compared to other places. Abby bought a bike! It’s really orange and was only about 90 dollars, and that’s a nice cheap bike here.
I got one too, only mine is red.

After leaving the Don Quixote we were all so hungry…and I got roped into cooking again. No surprise, but I like it so no problems.
We stopped by the Suupaa on the way back and pick up some produce and I started experimenting. And it turned out like this. It’s Curry! They all loved it and I think we’ll end up having a weekly curry night now.
This week in Karatedo Sensei did a demonstration on weapons! Yabai! Tomoya, his black belt TA (whose awesome) set up 4 stalks of bamboos and Sensei demolished them with a katana! Yabai! I got to keep a piece.

Everything is going so fast! Diving head first into classes I have homework every night that’s due the next day. Except in Society and the Seminar, but those assignments are big enough. Those classes only meet once a week, and then there’s Karatedo where Sensei tells us that our homework is to be able to break a rock with our hands by next week…then he laughs so we know he’s not serious.
I also thought I should mention that yesterday in class Saito-Sensei, as Godzilla, killed the entire class. (Because we all like monster movies) Myself particularly was speared on his tail. He was stepping on Doug, beheaded John, breathing fire on Nate, and had already eaten Tim and Dylan. I love my teacher, Lol.
All is well,
Love Gretchen