As I'm sure you all know, I've decided to come back to Japan for another semester. I left the 4th of January and I've landed safely and even made it though my first day of classes with minimal death. Just one Grammar class, though if my teach doesn't read this blog she'll think I'm having a terrible day. Today we went over things like what we did before doing something else, excuses to things like being late, explaining things (regrettably and unfortunately) In practice I was late meeting a friend because I had to go home and change, cause I forgot my pants. Later I was late for an appointment cause my apartment was on fire. Lol, I love teachers pleasantly shocked faces.
Last night we all hung out in Abby and JuYoun's room and had a mini Christmas/New Years party cause we couldn't have them together.

Just so you know you alarmed your mother with your apartment being on fire until I explained that it was just a grammar exercise you did in class.