Yea, Its been like that. One day Kanae, my roommate, came home and she sets her bag down. Starts jumping up and down and starts yelling "Tsukareta!" rather pathetically. It was so funny cause I felt like doing the same. But all if well, I've got a bit of a cold, but I successfully went to a drug store and bought a decongestant, as well as find a Hyaku en Conbini. (A dollar convenient store) It was wonderful. On the bright side.

Here's a good picture of all of us, minus the K Dogs. This was actually taken a while ago when we went to Sakae and Abby and I got our phones. The other night we all went to a Sushi place a few minutes away called Sushiro, and it is now my favorite restraunt. You don't actually order your food. You can, via this cool touch scree menu, but it's much funner to watch the sushi go by on conveyor belts and pick the plate up when something looks good. Thats right, conveyor belts.
This is totally Ika, squid, and it was delicious. Yes,I ate raw fish and it was delicious.

Abby and I being Korean. As I am sure you've noticed everyone here throws up the peace sign in a picture, I'm not sure why but they do. Koreans specifically put the peace sign up to their eye...not sure why. But in comemoration of sitting with JuYoun, and HanJin, Abby and I gave it a try. They laughed at us.
And these, are prawns. Full sized, unbeheaded, shelled prawns, and that cup is 105 en. roughly 1$. All the plates of sushi, unless specified, are 105 en.
Cheap and delicious. These are Abby's JuYoun's, and HanJin's and mine plates. And it gets better, turns out that the resturaunt in connected to an arcade. Abby and I immediatly searched for a Taiko drumming game, and there was :). This one, unlike the Sega arcade in Kanayama, had different songs, one of them being a Super Mario mededly. It was so awesome, that and an air hocky table. At which Abby and I got very competitive. And on our way out I discovered possibly one of the greatest things in the world.
Its a giant Tetris machine! You control the block with the giant joy stick, and the buttons on the side. Epic.
Just this past week we had three different birthday so a bunch of us, and by a bunch I mean like 40 of us. Went to...I'm not sure what it's called, but we all chipped in. All you can eat, all you can drink for 3 hours. I was pretty awesome. I got a pizza with corn on it...yes corn. They put corn on everything they can, I don't understand. Had my first Japanese beer, and a few other drinks. This yogurt thing that tasted like pineapple, now that was good. My friend Yuka kept hugging me and exclaiming how soft I was and that she was jealous of my bountiful chest, so to speak. She had quite a lot. All in all I was fun. Drunk people can be funny no matter what country you're in.
Sunday we were hosted for a day at a house where we were fed a traditional lunch and then taken down the street to a matsuri, another festival.

Tacoyaki! I'm not sure what else is in it, but there's octopus in these and they are wonderful!

After lunch we went to the festival.

And at then end at the top of the wall some of the guys in dress threw mochi into the crowd. I caught three...with my face. It was bound to happen though. tons of fun. Lots to do!.
All is well
You know who else throws up a peace sign everywhere he goes?