This is the day after we got back from the field trip (Oct 16 & 17), Nagoya's 400th birthday. There were festivals all over the city, super fun! Japanese jumping house!!! Abby said I was too big though. :(

Rauchelle and Abby with their candied apples.

Abby in her Kimono. Right then we were in an open air shopping district called Osu Kannon. This is a particularlly nice used Kimono shop.

And if I could read this I would totally try and get tickets! Kanji you are my downfall!!!!

Oh yes, and the height of fashion.

I've seen them in shops everywhere, and people wearing them as everyday clothes, may be I should pack mine for next semester. Next day we went to Nagoya Castle for more festival stuff.

Like a fair, sort of, I some places they had flower art of display.

And the Castle.

You may not be able to see them very well, but this is what used to be the moat around Nagoya Castle, now its a ditch, and there is a family of deer that live in it.

And here's the view from the top.

Pretty much, Nagoya's mascots are these two golden dolphins that used to be on top of the castle, they drew a lot of attention when they were unveiled at the world epxo in Tokyo years ago. I love this picture so much.

Here's your picture Grama, frame it as proof I'm here. Lol, no I waiting for the leaves to change, it will be really pretty then.
All is well.
Love Gretchen